For the past twenty years, Fortune has partnered with Great Place to Work to find the 100 Best Companies to Work For. While it’s true that you can search for best places to work and come up with any number of responses, no other list has stricter criteria, the same upstanding reputation, or canvased more employees in their search for the real top 100 as Fortune.
Fortune uses the Trust Index survey feedback from a random sample of employees from each company, and this survey includes:
- quality of leaders
- support for personal and professional lives
- relationships with colleagues
These results are then compared to like companies of similar size, complexity, and reliable statistics. More than that, Great Place to Work uses a Culture audit management questionnaire, reporting details
- compensation and benefits
- hiring practices
- recognition
- training
- diversity programs
Some of the companies that made the 2017 list are no stranger to being in the spotlight for incredible company culture and employee benefits, but there were also some surprises this year. Let’s look a little closer at some of the top companies that made the list.
For the sixth year in a row and for the eighth time in eleven years, Google snagged the #1 spot. They’re known for their luxurious perks like free gourmet food, haircuts on the Google campus, and laundry services. But more than that, they strive to make everyone feel at home at their company. Minorities are given equal opportunities. The company offers unconscious-bias workshops to ensure all employees are treating each other with kindness and respect. The company culture is safe and inclusive, and they work endlessly to provide that culture.
Number two on the list goes to Wegmans Food Markets, a family-owned grocery chain that caters to its employees with flexible schedules and frequent opportunities for promotion. They work to make their company “feel like a family,” with gestures like free cake on an employee’s birthday and hot chocolate in the winter for employees who work outside. They even offer college tuition reimbursement for those who want to return to school.
Third on 100 Best Companies to Work For is The Boston Consulting Group. In what is often considered a disheartening industry, this company offer benefits such as $5 copays and an emphasis on self-care. Employees can take advantage of sabbaticals, telecommuting, fitness centers, and more. Opportunities for advancement are truly singular.
New to the list this year includes: Pinnacle Financial Partners, SAP America, Delta Air Lines, Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare, and AT&T.
And while none of these made the top ten, Publix, REI, and Goldman Sachs have made the list every year since its conception twenty years ago.
To learn more about the remaining ninety-seven companies on the list and the reports that put them there, read the full article on the Fortune website.